Steppin’ up OXSJSU Social Networking

Ironically, as part of sending out the first printed Gamma Xi Gazette in many years this week, I’ve decided to step up the social networking side of Theta Chi Gamma Xi alumni communications.  Step one, start blogging more regularly.  Step two, find a way to have blog posts automatically hit up the various social networking outlets I’m setting up so I don’t have to manage ’em all. Ya know, because I won’t. : )

So I set up a Twitter account for “ThetaChiSJSU” and have created a Facebook page for it as well. To make it all manageable, I set up a cool WordPress plugin called “Facebook/Twitter Updater” that should automatically update Twitter, the Theta Chi Gamma Xi Facebook page, and my own profile.

Let’s consider this here a test post…if it successfully updates Twitter, my profile page, and the Theta Chi Gamma Xi page I’ll be a happy man. If not, time to do some debugging. Fingers are crossed, and here we go.

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