Bill Brown; 69-75

Bill lives in Demorest, Georgia. You can reconnect with him in Facebook.

Mary Jane (wife); Emily & Abby (daughters)

College Professor, School of Education, Piedmont College

What do you do for fun?
Tennis; family; tending to 10 acres – gardening and grapes; community involvement; Knights of Columbus

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Brodie Greer; Larry Stonebarger

Mike Rodsater, 62-67

Mike lives in Long Beach, CA
I’ve been married to my wife, Chris for 31 years; have three wonderful and beautiful daughters; a terrific grandson, and  soon to be, in Jan ’09 a new and also wonderful grandaughter.

Currently I am a consultant with K&R Negotiations where I do negotiation training and negotiation opportunity planning.  Prior to this, I spent 30 years in the technology space, starting with IBM, Nynex, wireless industry as well as the software industry.  For most of that time, ran sales organizations from small to large.

What do you do for fun?
Travel, play golf, snow and water ski, ride motorcycles, usually up for just about anything

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
After starting my career in LA,  we have moved around quite a bit living in Big Bear Lake, CA, Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, and now back to Long Beach. I have lost touch with most Gamma Xi’s so I’m really looking forward to the 60’s reunion next June in Reno.

Ron Smith, 64-67

Ron lives in Santa Barbara.

Twice married …twice divorced which makes me an O’fer …Have been hanging with Joyce for 14 years
Daughter named Allison 3 grandkids Gianna 4 / Jack 2 / Kevin Patrick 4 months ..Dog named Jave ‘ The Mutt ‘ and a cat named Molly ‘ Motorhead

History teacher in San Jose California
for 30 years

What do you do for fun?
Mtn Bike …play guitar / mandolin and Bouzouki…watch sports ….play with grandkids …swim …eat too much

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
A bunch of guys from the 60’s as you will see in the next frame

I am helping set up a huge re-union of all active members from 60 – 69 in Reno Nevada in June and would like to put out the word to anyone who is in the era to E mail me at so I can pass on the information.    A lot of guys are missing and / or we have no info on their whereabouts.

Al Saunders Addresses National Convention

In case you didn’t know, Gamma Xi alumnus Al Saunders (currently offensive coordinator for the Rams, previously of the Redskins and Chiefs) addressed the Theta Chi National Convention in Indianapolis this past July. It’s good stuff!

Part One:

Part Two:

More Info About All ’60s Reunion June 2009

Brothers, what has happened to your wingmen? Come to Reno and see the ones who can still fog a mirror! The big TC party will be at Steve Brennan’s house on Saturday, June 27th. We are reserving a block of rooms at a hotel from Thursday 6/25 through Saturday 6/27. The hotel is just a short walk to Brennan’s house overlooking the Truckee River in Reno.

Reno is hosting Brewfest that weekend. You can buy a bottomless mug for a few bucks – and refill it with suds from micro-breweries.

More details later. For now mark your calendars, and pass the word to brothers who were actives in the SJSC house during the 1960’s. Please register your interest in participation by calling Ron Smith at (775) 230-0642 or emailing him at smithistry(at)aol(dot)com.

Late 60’s Reunion in June 2008

There is a reunion in the works for brothers who pledged Gamma Xi from ’64 to ’69 It will be at Steve Brennan’s place in Reno, Nevada in June 2009. Anyone from those years that’s interested in attending should comment below and/or contact Ron Smith at a special address I set up to forward to him:

Dave Mercer; 66-69

Dave, also known as “Stump” and “No Legs,” pledged Gamma Xi in 1966 and graduated in 1969 with a social science major and P.E. minor.

He lives in Ben Lomond, CA with his wife Chris Colivotti, a former daughter of Theta Chi, and has three children, Brian, Mark and Jeff.

He is a teacher, football coach and golf coach.

Bill Hult; 62-66

Bill pledged Gamma Xi in 1962 and graduated with a B.S. in engineering in 1966. He also has an MBA.

Bill is retired and lives in Los Gatos with his wife Vicci.

Before retirement, he worked for IBM as a financial analyst and business planner, for Applied Materials as the Santa Clara regional facilities manager, and for Greater Bay Bancorp as the VP of real estate and facilities services.

He is now a community volunteer, and serves on the board of directors for Big Brothers & Sisters, Neighborhood Housing Services Silicon Valley and Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc.

Stephen Austin; 65-68

Stephen pledged Gamma Xi in 1965 and graduated with an engineering degree in 1968.

He lives in San Francisco, and is an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Robert Bowman; 58-63

Robert, also known as Sandy, pledged Gamma Xi in Fall 1958 and graduated with a psychology degree in 1963.

He lives in Soquel, CA with his wife Rosella, and he works as a teacher.