Ron Smith, 64-67

Ron lives in Santa Barbara.

Twice married …twice divorced which makes me an O’fer …Have been hanging with Joyce for 14 years
Daughter named Allison 3 grandkids Gianna 4 / Jack 2 / Kevin Patrick 4 months ..Dog named Jave ‘ The Mutt ‘ and a cat named Molly ‘ Motorhead

History teacher in San Jose California
for 30 years

What do you do for fun?
Mtn Bike …play guitar / mandolin and Bouzouki…watch sports ….play with grandkids …swim …eat too much

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
A bunch of guys from the 60’s as you will see in the next frame

I am helping set up a huge re-union of all active members from 60 – 69 in Reno Nevada in June and would like to put out the word to anyone who is in the era to E mail me at so I can pass on the information.    A lot of guys are missing and / or we have no info on their whereabouts.

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