Kevin Mapes, 88-93

Kevin still lives in the bay area.

Married Michelle Keller on New Year’s Eve 1995.  First date was her AO-Pi Pledge Dance.  They have a 7 yr old daughter, Saira; 3 yr old Son, Justin; and a newborn son, Brian.

Aerospace Engineer.  Satellite design and Missle Defense.  Last job was Flight Software Manager

What do you do for fun?
Bike, soccer, basketball and Turkey bowl.

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Larry Larson, Mike Pardini, Pat Horton, Jim Beers, Rob Ashe, Gary Zandstra and Marc Archidiacano but mostly I hang with the family.

I suggest someone throw a party and invite me because I am a lot of fun.

Lance Wright, 86-93

Lance lives in Watford, Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom.
He’s in Facebook and LinkedIn

1 Son, Leon

I run a Sales and Marketing Consultancy

What do you do for fun?
Pub, Karaoke, Computing, Comedy

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Mike Leong, Warren Schwartz, Mark Atkinson

Rob Thorson, 87-91

Rob lives in Citrus Heights, CA.

I married my college sweetheart, Karen, in 1993, and we have two boys, Nathan (8) and Trevor (5).

I am working with Scott Jensen at his advertising agency as his media director.  We have been working together for the past four years.

What do you do for fun?
In my free time, I enjoy camping, wakeboarding, snowboarding, and coaching my boys sports teams.  I have been coaching baseball and soccer for the past few years, and I am going to begin coaching basketball in the near future.

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
I am still in contact with Scott Jensen, Steve Pyle, Dan Neumann, Ron Henares, Alex Alanis, Geno Ivaldi, and Dave Anderson.  I recently ran into Peter Hubacz at dinner, and I hope to see him more frequently.

I appreciate all of the time and effort that Greg Barr puts into Theta Chi.  I look forward to and enjoy reading his emails very much.  While I only live about three hours from San Jose, I find it difficult to make the time to get back down to any of the fraternity functions, but I plan on making a greater effort in the near future.

Marcus Kong, 89

Marcus lives in Fremont, CA. You can reconnect with him in Facebook and LinkedIn.

My wife Kim (SJSU Chi Omega) and I got married in 1998.  We have 1 daughter, Kayla, who was born in June 2007.

I’m the manager for technical support at Xythos Software.  We make a document management product.

What do you do for fun?
Spending time with my family, catching up with friends, golf, Facebook

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Most often it’s Eric Almgren, Dave Yonemitsu, Mel Brown, Steve Pyle (at least once a year and before April 15) and now a bunch of guys on Facebook.

Rod Diridon, 88-93

Rod lives in Santa Clara.


City Clerk and Auditor

What do you do for fun?
Race cars.  Work on political campaigns.  Eat, drink and be merry.

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Dave Martz, Steve Pyle, Ian Champeny, Alex Alanis, Steve Vargas, Don Cecil, a couple of others

SOCIAL NETWORKING: The Cinebar … wait, that was 15 years ago.  I’ve moved up in the world to the Normandy House Lounge.

Man, I miss you guys!

Mike Yaghmai, 94-98

Mike lives in San Jose, CA

You can find me on both Facebook and LinkedIn. My LinkedIn profile can be found on

I got married to my wife, Leyla Hedayat, back in 2003, while I was living in Chicago. We have two kids, daughter Eleka was born in 2005, and my son, Cameron, was born in 2007. Yeah…we’re busy!

After SJSU, I headed to Chicago to attend law school. After that, I got my first job at a large law firm in Chicago. Several years later, I found a nice gig with a firm in Palo Alto and made the move. After a few more years, I jumped ship and moved to an in-house position at eBay. Here, I am one the lead attorney in charge of the company and it’s subsidiaries’ branding and advertising clearance and other intellectual property issues. Just what I imagined I would be doing while we did the 100 club in the kitchen at old 123 S. 11th!

What do you do for fun?
Not much time to do anything but to manage work and the family. When I get some extra time, I try to get in some hockey. I play in an adult hockey league at the SJ Ice Center.

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
A handfull. I work with Mike Lee at eBay. I also keep in touch with Hamid, Jojo Albayalde and sometimes see others, like Alex Chavarria… who doesn’t?

I love giving free legal advice on my day off… NOT!

Dave Coburn, 91-95

I was married in 1995 (Wife’s maiden name was Rosey Arreola – seriously…) and I have a 9 year old son.  I met my wife through Dodie Rios – I am sure that some of you guys remember her…

I am a contract CFO for several different companies, and I own a custom cabinet shop / granite shop.

What do you do for fun?
When I have time, I enjoy hanging out with friends and family (BBQ, watching UFC fights, playing Texas Hold’em, etc..).  I went to my first SJSU game recently and had alot of fun.  I will definitely be going to more games in the future.

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Alot – thanks to Greg Barr’s recommendation to join Facebook.

Social Networking
I am on both Facebook and LinkedIn.  Type in my name and you will find me.

Ned Laugharn, 94-96

Married Jennifer in July 1998.  Have 2 boys, Mitchell, born in October 2001 & Nicholas, born in June 2005.  We moved to Houston, TX in early 2006 and decided to come back to San Jose in March 2008.  It’s so good to be home!

Regional IT Manager for Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman

What do you do for fun?
When I’m not busy with family activities, I play golf (poorly), watch lots of sports, throw parties and hang out with friends as much as possible.

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Too many to name!  See my Facebook profile for most of them.  If you haven’t joined the Facebook revolution, I highly recommend it for reconnecting.

Go Spartans!

Social Networking

Look me up on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Todd Bartz, 95-98

Todd lives in San Jose.

I am an Environmental Health and Safety Consultant working for EORM, Inc. headquartered in downtown San Jose

What do you do for fun?
Travel, play basketball, work on cars

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Greg Bar, Ned Laugharn, Pat Horton, etc.

Social Networking

Aaron Riche, ’94

Met my wife Allison at an Alpha Phi serenade in Fall ’95. We’ve been together for almost 13 years now and married for 7 years. We have two beautiful daughters, Summer who is 3 and Brooklyn who is 3 months.

I work for XO Communications as an Enterprise Account Executive. (Tech Sales)

What do you do for fun?
Watching football, going to Tahoe, working out, golfing…

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
Quite a few, and now thanks to Facebook I have re-connected with a lot more.