Mike Yaghmai, 94-98

Mike lives in San Jose, CA

You can find me on both Facebook and LinkedIn. My LinkedIn profile can be found on www.mikeyaghmai.com.

I got married to my wife, Leyla Hedayat, back in 2003, while I was living in Chicago. We have two kids, daughter Eleka was born in 2005, and my son, Cameron, was born in 2007. Yeah…we’re busy!

After SJSU, I headed to Chicago to attend law school. After that, I got my first job at a large law firm in Chicago. Several years later, I found a nice gig with a firm in Palo Alto and made the move. After a few more years, I jumped ship and moved to an in-house position at eBay. Here, I am one the lead attorney in charge of the company and it’s subsidiaries’ branding and advertising clearance and other intellectual property issues. Just what I imagined I would be doing while we did the 100 club in the kitchen at old 123 S. 11th!

What do you do for fun?
Not much time to do anything but to manage work and the family. When I get some extra time, I try to get in some hockey. I play in an adult hockey league at the SJ Ice Center.

What Gamma Xi’s are you still in touch with?
A handfull. I work with Mike Lee at eBay. I also keep in touch with Hamid, Jojo Albayalde and sometimes see others, like Alex Chavarria… who doesn’t?

I love giving free legal advice on my day off… NOT!

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