Help us Pay for a Portrait of the Old Chapter House

IMG_20140530_075508898Check out this portrait of the old Victorian that was the Gamma Xi chapter house at 123 S. 11th before the current one was built. How sweet would a framed print look hanging in the chapter house?

It’ll cost $150 for a 20″ print, and $100-$150 to have it framed. I’m looking for 15 alumni to donate $19.48 each to cover that cost. All donors will have their names engraved on a plaque that’s made part of the piece, and publicly thanked via email and Facebook. If we raise more than that I’ll get a bigger print, better frame, whatever, with remainder staying in the alumni board account.

If you’re down to show Gamma Xi some love hook it up at and ask your pledge bros to do their part too!

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