Spring 2012 Alumni Board Update

This is the text of a letter that went out in mid-May. If you didn’t get it, please update your contact information.

2012 is already in its fifth month.  Time flies.  We hope all finds you well.  Thank you for your support to the chapter and the Alumni Board.

After decades of involvement in the Gamma Xi Alumni Board, Pete Silva has decided it is time to step down and slow down a bit.  He is still involved in a consulting mode, and still raising funds for the Spartan Foundation, but will not be in the spotlight at Gamma Xi any more.  We thank Pete for his incredible dedication, support and mentoring.  We would not be here today if it was not for him. Calvin Wang will replace Pete as the new Capital Campaign Director for the Alumni Board.  Calvin’s main goal is to coordinate raising funds for the Gamma Xi Housing Corporation.  The Gamma Xi Housing Corporation is the arm of the Gamma Xi Alumni Board that raises funds for upkeep of the chapter house.

Calvin’s previous contribution was as Chapter Advisor for the last 4 years.  During his tenure the chapter grew from a membership in the teens to a strong group of 51 active Brothers.  The chapter continues to improve every year and is poised for more growth.  With his help, the undergrads are now more involved at SJSU, the national fraternity, and the community.

They recently attended a Theta Chi Mid-Year Leadership conference and are now planning their attendance to the National Convention in July.   In March they participated in the clean up of the Guadalupe River, in April they raised over $650 for the American Cancer Society as part of the Cambrian Relay for Life, and they will be participating in the National River Clean Up Day on May 19th by helping clean Coyote Creek in South San Jose.

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