Recap of Homecoming '09 Open House and Tailgate

Over 200 people enjoyed the tacos, beer and good times of the…

Gamma Xi Bob Pisano Recognized as 2009 "Outstanding Alumnus"

In August the College of Social Sciences recognized Bob Pisano,…

Homecoming '09 T-Shirt Design Unveiled

(Click the image for a bigger preview) Quantities are limited,…

Summer '09 Gamma Xi Gazette Published

The Summer '09 Gamma Xi Gazette is hitting mailboxes today. If…

Homecoming Tailgate Registration Now Open

The Gamma Xi Alumni board's SJSU Homecoming '09 tailgate is coming…

Steppin' up OXSJSU Social Networking

Ironically, as part of sending out the first printed Gamma Xi…

Successful Founder's Day '09

Over two dozen Gamma Xi alumni converged on the chapter house…

Founders Day BBQ on April 11, 2009

The alumni board and chapter will be hosting a founders' day…

Al Saunders Addresses National Convention

In case you didn't know, Gamma Xi alumnus Al Saunders (currently…