Fresh Pics of New Deck

Construction is well under way, and the new deck is looking great. Check…

70's Alumni at Homecoming 2008

Thanks to Mark McKinstry for sending along these pics of him…

Update on Deck Rebuild

The replacement of the decrepit old deck is well underway. Here's…

More Info About All '60s Reunion June 2009

Brothers, what has happened to your wingmen? Come to Reno and…

Homecoming '08 Tailgate; Summary and Pics

The Theta Chi 2008 Homecoming tailgate was a huge success, with…

Late 60's Reunion in June 2008

There is a reunion in the works for brothers who pledged Gamma…

Homecoming is 10/11

I hope you've got a circle around Saturday 10/11 for SJSU Homecoming.…

Blog Moving Right Along

Man, wordpress makes this SO easy! I integrated a Google-powered…

New Site/Blog

This is the new web site of Theta Chi Gamma Xi's alumni board…