Entries by Greg Barr

Gamma Xi to Rock Out for a Good Cause on Saturday

Gamma Xi’s “Rock-a-Thon” philanthropy is this Saturday from noon to 9:00 pm. A mere $3 donation gets you in the door, scores ya pizza and a coke, and gets you access to nine 9 awesome hours of live music compliments of the killer DJs and rockin’ local bands listed below. All proceeds go to chapter […]

Recap of Homecoming ’09 Open House and Tailgate

Over 200 people enjoyed the tacos, beer and good times of the Gamma Xi tailgate before SJSU’s homecoming game against Idaho on Saturday, making it the biggest Gamma Xi alumni event in recent memory. A number of alumni came by the house beforehand to see how the place is holding up, specifically to check out […]

Summer ’09 Gamma Xi Gazette Published

The Summer ’09 Gamma Xi Gazette is hitting mailboxes today. If you are an alumnus of Gamma Xi and don’t get one, check out the online version and please please update your address for next time. Inside the issue… Active Alumni: Find out about all kinds of casual get-togethers, formal reunions and fun sporting events […]

Homecoming Tailgate Registration Now Open

The Gamma Xi Alumni board’s SJSU Homecoming ’09 tailgate is coming together…all we need is you! So please register right now! Not sold? OK, here’s the situation and my plea… The more we know about who is coming the better we can plan, so to encourage advance payment/registration we’re offering some sweet discounts and a […]

Steppin’ up OXSJSU Social Networking

Ironically, as part of sending out the first printed Gamma Xi Gazette in many years this week, I’ve decided to step up the social networking side of Theta Chi Gamma Xi alumni communications.  Step one, start blogging more regularly.  Step two, find a way to have blog posts automatically hit up the various social networking […]

Is Your Address Up to Date?

We’ll be sending a printed Gamma Xi Gazette newsletter in a couple weeks, and want to make sure it reaches as many alumni as possible. As such, please make sure your mailing address is up to date. If you’re wondering, here’s a hint: If you haven’t received a couple letters from the alumni board in […]

Successful Founder’s Day ’09

Over two dozen Gamma Xi alumni converged on the chapter house this past Saturday to celebrate the founding of Theta Chi Fraternity on April 10, 1856. They enjoyed noshing on authentically delicious tacos complements of the alumni board, meeting current actives and reconnecting with fellow alumni, and checking out the recent progress on the house. […]

Spring ’09 Workday

Many thanks to all the alumni and actives who pitched in to help fix up the house this past Saturday, especially alumni Todd Bartz and Dave Coburn who helped build a new bench where the trophy case used to be, and fixed numerous issues with electrical fixtures and broken stairs, and alumnus Nate Kong who […]