
Blog Moving Right Along

Man, wordpress makes this SO easy! I integrated a Google-powered search function that spans all posts, pages and even PDFs. I set up categories for each decade, so “where are they now” profiles and information about little get-togethers will be organized and easy to find.

The first big project is to post those ‘where are they now’ information that people submitted with their capital campaign contributions. We had the best of intentions to get a printed newsletter out, but this is a far more cost-effective and far-reaching medium. I made one about myself to give you a sense of what they’ll be like. People can share as much or as little info as they want.

I’m also going to send a notice about this new site to the Yahoo! Group, and encourage people to submit info and check the site out. I am confident that this new site will be a powerful tool in helping to establish communications with and build brotherhood among the alumni (and hopefully actives) of Gamma Xi.

Please fill out the comments field below to let me know where you’d like to see this site go in terms of content, functionality, etc.