Spring ’09 Workday

Many thanks to all the alumni and actives who pitched in to help fix up the house this past Saturday, especially alumni Todd Bartz and Dave Coburn who helped build a new bench where the trophy case used to be, and fixed numerous issues with electrical fixtures and broken stairs, and alumnus Nate Kong who set the whole thing up.

Awesome demonstration of the assisting hand
and Theta Chi for life in one fell swoop!



Todd tries out the new bench in the foyer.

Home Opener vs. Davis

Our Spartans had us worried throughout the entire game, but got us up on our feet for the last minute as they mounted a furious comeback topped off by a thrilling last second touchdown pass to pull off the dramatic win. Very cool.

Bunch of Gamma Xi rogues take time out from tailgating to mug for the camera.

Bunch of Gamma Xi rogues take time out from tailgating to mug for the camera.

"And the crowd goes wild!" Rabid fans of all ages with the scoreboard in the background just after the exhilarating win.