Alumni Social at Club Auto Sport

We will be hosting an alumni get together and cocktail party on June 9th at 6:00 p.m. at Club Auto Sport in San Jose.  Refreshments and light food will be served.  Your significant other is invited.  Don’t miss this venue if you are a car buff.  Brother John Davis, owner of Club Auto Sport, also has an extensive collection of knives, guns and other memorabilia for you to peruse while you are there.  Please RSVP via the Facebook event page or by email to if you would like to attend.  There is no cost to the event.  Donations to offset the cost will be kindly accepted.

2012 Gamma Xi Capital Campaign Underway

In the last 4 years, Gamma Xi alumni have given over $50,000 back to the chapter. These funds have greatly helped the chapter and the chapter house. We have replaced the sun deck, repainted the house, re-did the kitchen and downstairs bathroom, and repaired the roof, floors, fence, heating system and plumbing. Much of this work was performed with plenty of elbow grease from the undergrad members. The repairs have made the chapter more attractive for recruitment, more comfortable to live in, and allowed the chapter to increase its membership. We encourage you to stop by and take a look.

The chapter house is 51 years young this year and it still needs a lot of work. The property has not had a major remodel since it was built. We all have fond memories of the times we shared at 123 South 11th Street. With that said, the plumbing needs to be upgraded, the bathrooms remodeled, the roof, windows, inside doors and door frames replaced, and many other items repaired or upgraded. These improvements are budgeted to cost over $250,000. The list is long. Our immediate goal for this year is to replace the ageing bathrooms. The cost to do this is $90,000.

Please support our efforts — every little bit will help. Every penny you contribute goes directly to the physical well being the chapter house.

If you would like to discuss getting more involved in the chapter and the Alumni Board, please contact us. We are looking for volunteers for the Alumni Board and sponsors for the chapter house improvements.

Spring 2012 Alumni Board Update

This is the text of a letter that went out in mid-May. If you didn’t get it, please update your contact information.

2012 is already in its fifth month.  Time flies.  We hope all finds you well.  Thank you for your support to the chapter and the Alumni Board.

After decades of involvement in the Gamma Xi Alumni Board, Pete Silva has decided it is time to step down and slow down a bit.  He is still involved in a consulting mode, and still raising funds for the Spartan Foundation, but will not be in the spotlight at Gamma Xi any more.  We thank Pete for his incredible dedication, support and mentoring.  We would not be here today if it was not for him. Calvin Wang will replace Pete as the new Capital Campaign Director for the Alumni Board.  Calvin’s main goal is to coordinate raising funds for the Gamma Xi Housing Corporation.  The Gamma Xi Housing Corporation is the arm of the Gamma Xi Alumni Board that raises funds for upkeep of the chapter house.

Calvin’s previous contribution was as Chapter Advisor for the last 4 years.  During his tenure the chapter grew from a membership in the teens to a strong group of 51 active Brothers.  The chapter continues to improve every year and is poised for more growth.  With his help, the undergrads are now more involved at SJSU, the national fraternity, and the community.

They recently attended a Theta Chi Mid-Year Leadership conference and are now planning their attendance to the National Convention in July.   In March they participated in the clean up of the Guadalupe River, in April they raised over $650 for the American Cancer Society as part of the Cambrian Relay for Life, and they will be participating in the National River Clean Up Day on May 19th by helping clean Coyote Creek in South San Jose.

Recap of Founders Day 2010

On April 10 a bunch of Gamma Xi undergraduates, along with alumni from a few different chapters, got together at South First Billiards in San Jose to celebrate Theta Chi’s founding in 1856. It was a great opportunity for the actives to see the alumni still know how to have  a good time, and shoot some mean stick.

Thanks to everybody who came out, and we hope to see even more of you next time.

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Spring 2010 Actives vs. Alumni Basketball Game

The Active and Alumni Teams Pose After the Game

The alumni were victorious once again, notching a 76-43 victory over the actives. Alumnus Troy Marcyes scored a game-high 25 points. Sunil Gangadhara scored 13 and Nav Suprai scored 12 for the alumni squad. The actives were led by David and Kyle with 15 and 7 points respectively.

Many thanks to the following:

  • Daniel Rodriguez & Mike Kirby for keeping score
  • Wesley Dugle for getting the actives organized
  • Dave Coburn for game photos
  • Pat Horton for the facilities

Check out more pics here.

Founders’ Day Event; April 10, 2010

On Saturday, April 10 alumni from all chapters living in the bay area will get together to celebrate Theta Chi Founders’ Day at South First Billiards in San Jose. Wives, significant others and friends are welcome to attend. Regional Counselor Tys Sniffen will provide a brief update on the state of Theta Chi in northern California.

To see who’s coming or RSVP yourself, please visit the event page in Facebook. If you have any questions or aren’t in Facebook yet and want to RSVP, email Greg.

Winter 2010 Gamma Xi Gazette is in the Mail

Look for it in a mailbox near you any day now, or check out the preview PDF by clicking the image to the right.

12th Annual Active/Alumni Turkey Bowl

The alumni will be looking to continue a tradition of dominance. Last year was the closest game in the series. Can the actives get over the hump vs. men who may already be over the hill? Come Friday morning and find out.

When? Friday, November 27 from 10:30am to 1:00pm
Where? Calabazas Park in Cupertino (at Rainbow and Blaney)

To learn more, see who’s coming or RSVP visit the event page at

If you’re not on Facebook yet email Pat Horton.

– Greg

Recap of Homecoming ’09 Open House and Tailgate

John "Ameba" Webb, Jim "Bumpy" Ferryman, Pat "Yetti" Ferryman, and Paul "Rip" Engel party it up with our lady guests.

John "Ameba" Webb, Jim "Bumpy" Ferryman, Pat "Yetti" Ferryman, and Paul "Rip" Engel party it up with our lady guests.

Over 200 people enjoyed the tacos, beer and good times of the Gamma Xi tailgate before SJSU’s homecoming game against Idaho on Saturday, making it the biggest Gamma Xi alumni event in recent memory. A number of alumni came by the house beforehand to see how the place is holding up, specifically to check out the results of the capital campaign that’s raised some much-needed funds for the improvement of the house.

The actives and alumni from throughout Gamma Xi’s history for all-you-can-eat catered tacos and plenty of libations. The t-shirts were very popular and on display throughout the afternoon and into the evening as we supported the Spartans (who unfortunately lost when Idaho scored a go-ahead TD with 1 minute left…) and then met up at San Jose Bar & Grill after the game. Here’s a video, and a photo album is below.


Recent alumnus Ryan Brown models the Gamma Xi '09 Homecoming t-shirt for the camera.

Gamma Xi Bob Pisano Recognized as 2009 “Outstanding Alumnus”

Tim Hegstrom, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, presenting Gamma Xi Bob Pisano with the 2009 Outstanding Alumnus award.

Tim Hegstrom, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, presenting Gamma Xi Bob Pisano with the 2009 Outstanding Alumnus award. Click the picture to see the whole article.

In August the College of Social Sciences recognized Bob Pisano, a brother of Theta Chi Gamma Xi who graduated from San Jose State in 1965, as their outstanding alumnus for 2009. The award is the highest honor given to an alumnus of the College of Social Sciences, intended to recognize someone for outstanding professional achievement.

The recognition was based on Bob’s decades of leadership and success in the motion picture industry. He is currently the chief operating officer of the Motion Picture Association of America, and during his career he has served as national executive director and CEO of the Screen Actors Guild and vice-chairman of Metro Goldwyn Mayer.

In addition to voicing his appreciation for the award, Bob spoke about issues affecting the motion picture and music business today, primarily in the area of intellectual property and piracy.

Here’s the Spartan Daily article about his recognition. Congratulations, Bob!
