Summer ’09 Gamma Xi Gazette Published

gamma-xi-gazette-thumbnailThe Summer ’09 Gamma Xi Gazette is hitting mailboxes today. If you are an alumnus of Gamma Xi and don’t get one, check out the online version and please please update your address for next time.

Inside the issue…

  • Active Alumni: Find out about all kinds of casual get-togethers, formal reunions and fun sporting events such as the Active vs. Alumni turkey bowl, basketball and softball games.
  • Alumni Updates; : Get the skinny on how far we’ve come, who’s helped us get there, and how we’re going to keep pressing forward to improve the condition and safety of the chapter house.
    (Note, I realized today that I missed a batch of email submissions, sorry about that. I’ll check in to make sure they’re still valid and include them next time around.)
  • Capital Campaign: Get the skinny on how far we’ve come, who’s helped us get there, and how we’re going to keep pressing forward to improve the condition and safety of the chapter house.
  • Homecoming ’09 Info: Find out what’s in the works for the big tailgate on October 10.

Download the Summer ’09 Gazette Now!

Homecoming Tailgate Registration Now Open

The Gamma Xi Alumni board’s SJSU Homecoming ’09 tailgate is coming together…all we need is you!

So please register right now!

Not sold? OK, here’s the situation and my plea…
The more we know about who is coming the better we can plan, so to encourage advance payment/registration we’re offering some sweet discounts and a special “All In!” package for those of you who buy the whole kit and kaboodle of tailgate food, beer, a t-shirt and your game ticket.

Here’s the math…
Tickets will set you back $25 if you buy them at the gate. Then our tailgate will cost you $10 for food, $10 for beer. (Still a good deal, mind you…) And you’ll definitely want one of the t-shirts we’re making, that’ll be $15. That’s $60 my friend! Our limited-time-offer “All In” package gets you all that for just $50 ($35 for kids) and you’ll get credit for a $20 donation to our 2009 capital campaign. Pretty sweet deal eh? (If you’re a friend of the chapter or alumni scene instead of a member or alumnus and want to give that credit to a friend, just say so in the comments.)

That do the trick?
Cool! Now please register now!

If you have any questions or suggestions please email

Steppin’ up OXSJSU Social Networking

Ironically, as part of sending out the first printed Gamma Xi Gazette in many years this week, I’ve decided to step up the social networking side of Theta Chi Gamma Xi alumni communications.  Step one, start blogging more regularly.  Step two, find a way to have blog posts automatically hit up the various social networking outlets I’m setting up so I don’t have to manage ’em all. Ya know, because I won’t. : )

So I set up a Twitter account for “ThetaChiSJSU” and have created a Facebook page for it as well. To make it all manageable, I set up a cool WordPress plugin called “Facebook/Twitter Updater” that should automatically update Twitter, the Theta Chi Gamma Xi Facebook page, and my own profile.

Let’s consider this here a test post…if it successfully updates Twitter, my profile page, and the Theta Chi Gamma Xi page I’ll be a happy man. If not, time to do some debugging. Fingers are crossed, and here we go.

Successful Founder’s Day ’09

Over two dozen Gamma Xi alumni converged on the chapter house this past Saturday to celebrate the founding of Theta Chi Fraternity on April 10, 1856. They enjoyed noshing on authentically delicious tacos complements of the alumni board, meeting current actives and reconnecting with fellow alumni, and checking out the recent progress on the house.

On that last note, I’m proud to report that thanks to the support we’ve been getting in the form of contributions to the capital campaign and a renewed sense of pride in the house on the part of the actives, the house is looking better than it has in years. The deck is seriously stylin’, and the living room and upstairs halls are looking great thanks to a fresh coat of paint and some moulding.

You can see pictures of the event and chapter house here.

Capital Campaign Contributions
Special thanks also go out to all the alumni who contributed to the 2009 capital campaign while at the event, in particular Justin Border, Mike Leong for their contributions of $100 each and Adan Reynoso who turned his pockets inside out to kick down all $56 he had on him. Also contributing to the cause were Alex Chavarria, Todd Bartz, Ned Laugharn, Jason Wilksinson, Quinn Honore, Tom Zizzo, Sunil Gundihara, Marcus Kong, Calvin Wang, Steve Pyle and Prat Amin.

Behind the Scenes
I want to thank alumni board president Micah Harrel who coordinated the food and drink even though he wasn’t able to attend himself. He’s got us hooked on the catering stylings of “Anytime is Taco Time” in a big way!

Founders Day BBQ on April 11, 2009

The alumni board and chapter will be hosting a founders’ day lunch at the chapter house from noon to 3:00.

Please mark your calendars, save the date and TELL A FRIEND!

More info as it becomes available…

Al Saunders Addresses National Convention

In case you didn’t know, Gamma Xi alumnus Al Saunders (currently offensive coordinator for the Rams, previously of the Redskins and Chiefs) addressed the Theta Chi National Convention in Indianapolis this past July. It’s good stuff!

Part One:

Part Two:

Fresh Pics of New Deck

Construction is well under way, and the new deck is looking great.

Check out the gallery of pics.

More to come when it’s done.

70’s Alumni at Homecoming 2008

Thanks to Mark McKinstry for sending along these pics of him and his boys from the 70’s enjoying SJSU’s 2008 Homecoming. If you’ve got pics of you and YOUR boys having a good time, please send ’em my way!

Update on Deck Rebuild

The replacement of the decrepit old deck is well underway. Here’s some pictures that Nate Kong took last week on a visit. New pics of a completed deck coming soon.